Event Changes – Third Annual CDH Awareness Blood Drive

Many of you may be wondering why there hasn’t been any information circulating about the Third Annual CDH Awareness Blood Drive. After all, the Holy Trinity Festival is on August 1-3, 2014. Well, unfortunately Hoxworth Blood Centers has changed their criteria for blood drives scheduled on the weekends and the CDH Awareness Blood Drive no longer meets their criteria for units collected. I do want to add that though I am saddened with their decisions, I will continue to donate blood and encourage you all who are willing and capable to do the same. What this means, however is that Matt, Jack and I will be at the Holy Trinity Festival for pure recreation. We wouldn’t miss it and are looking forward to seeing your smiling faces there.

I apologize for the late notice, I was trying to negotiate with my donor coordinator to no avail. Team Jack will take a break this summer to regroup and find other ways to raise awareness for this deadly defect while helping to give back to our community in medical need.

I am thinking a re-do of sorts on Matt and Kaytee’s wedding. Complete with a reggae band and cook out… or another beer Olympics; all to raise money for the Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center.

Thoughts, Suggestions, Volunteers?

Another Successful Blood Drive

2013 Blood Drive_2013_8-3

Thank you to all of you who took a chance on the weather and came out to join us at the 2nd Annual CDH Awareness Blood Drive and Holy Trinity Festival. I am still amazed that it didn’t rain all day!

We ended up having about the same number of people registered as last year….but the deferrals. Sheesh. But it’s all in an effort to keep the donors healthy and help the recipients get healthy. So, without further ado, the results.

We collected a total of 17 units of blood. That is with 7 deferrals! Congratulations to all who came out to donate and encourage! 17 units of blood and blood products can save the lives of as many as 51 people (unless you are like Jack and used all that in one week). You all have given a priceless gift of life. Your donations can only come from you and can not be manufactured. Also, thank you to the Hoxworth team for coming out to collect or donations and entertaining us on the bus. This drive was #4 for me with Hoxworth and I have yet to find an unpleasant staff member.

And thank you for continuing to show your support at the Holy Trinity Festival. All that dry weather, good music and great friends made the draft beer taste even better (though I partook in bottles). And congratulations to Ben for his big festival winnings. Matt and I are still amazed. We both remember an entire childhood of Bars and Bells and as big as a $5 win.

Now to look forward to next year. I am working on my plan for advertising the 3rd Annual CDH Awareness Blood Drive complete with radio and community advertisement. If you have any suggestions on how to get this event out into the public eye, please share. My goal is to double the collection next year. Yes, a lofty goal; but you can reach it if it’s not there.

Team Jack sig


CDH Blood Drive – The Excitement Continues

I am so excited about the response that I have gotten for the CDH Awareness Hoxworth Blood Drive on August 3, 2013! We are approaching the same number of donors as last year which signed up prior to the event. And please remember that walk-up donations are equally as valuable.

Here is just a quick note regarding criteria that must be followed to donate. These are pretty simple:
-You must weigh at least 110 pounds and be at least 17 years old (Though I envy all of you that are less than 110 pounds…)*
-Be in general good healthy and feeling well (no fever, sore throat or flu-like symptoms).

For more information about eligibility or to find parental consent forms, please visit http://www.hoxworth.org/donate_blood/eligibility.html

And some recommendations to help with the donation process:
-Eat a good meal and drink plenty of non-caffeinated and non-alcoholic fluids.
-Remember that you may donate again in 56 days (8 weeks) for whole blood donations and 112 days (16 weeks) for double red donations and can schedule your next donation at any area location at https://donateblood.uc.edu/Donor/ or by calling Hoxworth scheduling at (513) 451-0910.

Thank you to all that have signed up so far. You are helping your community with a priceless gift.

Team Jack sig

*A couple exceptions:
-There are different height and weight guidelines if donating double reds. These guidelines can also be found on the website listed above.
-There is a form that can be filled out by the parent or guardian of a 16-year-old that would like to donate blood.

Blood Drive Incentives

hoxworth_blood_center_logoAre you eligible but just don’t have the time? The paperwork and donation usually only takes about 30 minutes. What a great way to start off the weekend?

Are you eligible but don’t have the motivation? In addition to the Oreos and apple juice after the donation, Hoxworth has added another incentive to donating blood and blood products. They have started the Premier Donor Club. For qualifying donations, you collect points which can be used to purchase gift cards to local vendors (ie; Gold Star Chili, LaRosa’s, Montgomery Inn, AMC Theaters, etc.). Each blood donation is worth a set amount of points. For example, one whole blood donation is 500 points. After my second donation, I will have 1000 points and can redeem them for a $10 gift card of my choice. Pretty cool, right? You can learn more and sign up for the Premier Donor Club at hoxworth.org/plus.

Not eligible or not interested in donating? Blood donation isn’t for everyone and that’s okay.

Team Jack sig

2nd Annual CDH Awareness Blood Drive

hoxworth_blood_center_logoHoly Trinity and Team Jack are teaming up once again to host a blood drive to raise awareness for CDH. The drive will be held in a donor bus located in the parking lot of the Holy Trinity Church Holy Spirit Center parking lot beginning at noon on August 3, 2013. Appointments are taken every 15 minutes but walk-ins are also welcome. Double red cell donation is also an option. Please inform me if this is something you are interested in scheduling or want more information.

After your donation, stick around for some fun, music and corn-on-the-cob at the Holy Trinity Festival. All donors will receive a $4.00 credit towards kids games at the festival which officially starts at 5pm. Saturday’s band is The Remains with Final Order on Friday and Slow Burn Band on Sunday. Be sure to check them out.

If you aren’t the blood donation type or aren’t eligible, don’t worry. It’s not for everyone. But come on over and raise awareness with a good time.

The Quick and Dirty:

CDH Awareness Blood Drive                            Holy Trinity Festival
August 3, 2013                                                   August 2-4 2013
Prior to the Holy Trinity Festival                         2420 Drex Avenue
Holy Spirit Center parking lot                             Cincinnati, OH 45212
Noon- 6:00pm                                                    Friday 6pm – midnight with Final Order
To schedule an appointment:                            Saturday 5pm – midnight with The Remains
Kaytee at 513-607-4011 OR                             Sunday 3pm – 9pm with Slow Burn Band

See you there!

28 Pints Richer

Saturday was our 1st Annual CDH Awareness Blood Drive hosted at the Holy Trinity Festival in Norwood, Ohio and what a day! I have to thank all of you who came out to support Jack and donate your blood for your community. Our goal was to replace the blood that Jack used during ECMO. He used approximately 25 pints of blood and we collected 28 pints! By my calculations (thanks iPhone calculator) we have potentially saved 84 lives.

There were a lot of first time donors that came out to support their community and a lot of return donors. I hope you all continue to donate regularly. Your contribution has to come from donors like you. For those of you who came out and were turned away for ineligibility, thank you for coming out and giving us your time. We really appreciated it and enjoyed your company. Thank you to Aunt Linda for holding Jack while I ate lunch!!

We were given a beautiful day to start and everything went smoothly after that. The bus was parked on the Montgomery Road entrance so we had great visibility. The first two donors came in at noon while I was getting Jack ready for the event so we missed them (sorry to miss you, Suzie but thank you). From that point on, there was always someone in the donor bus at all times. The Hoxworth staff was so fun and easy to work with and the donors were eager to give to the cause and hang out with Jack.

A special thanks to Elizabeth from Breath of Hope, INC for supplying the CDH Awareness bracelets, pamphlets, temporary tattoos and ribbon pins. The kids (adults) loved the tattoos and the by the end of the festival, there were plenty of CDH Awareness bracelets walking around.

Unfortunately, I was having so much fun during the drive that I started taking pictures late in the day. Next year, my goals are to collect 35 pints of blood and do a better job on documentation. Enjoy!

Why I donate Double Red Cells

This page is taken from http://www.hoxworth.org/donate_blood/donate_double_reds.html on Hoxworth’s website. Please visit their site if you have any questions about eligibility, safety and how your donation will be used.

Donate Double Reds


Chances are if you are thinking about donating blood, you already understand the importance of helping others in need. All blood donations are important, but a “two-unit red cell donation” is special. It saves you time because you can safely give twice as much in just one visit to Hoxworth. You may be eligible to donate a double red cells because your blood type might be in demand based on our community’s blood supply level.

What are the donor requirements to give a double red cell donation?


For donors giving two units of red blood cells in one donation event, the deferral period will be extended from 56 to 112 days between donations. Donor eligibility for double red cell collection will be determined differently and will vary by sex.

All donors are required to have at least a 40% hematocrit (HCT), which is the percentage of red blood cells in the total volume of whole blood (whole blood = red cells + plasma).


Is collecting two units of red blood cells from the same donation safe?

Donor and patient safety are our top priorities. Like whole blood, the process uses a sterile, single-use needle and tubing set. Also, the automated system is designed specifically to assure you do not give too much blood. While you are donating two units of red cells, the total volume of the donation is slightly less than that of a single whole blood donation because we are returning the remaining components (platelets and plasma) and saline back to you.


Will I feel the same as when I donate whole blood?

You may even feel better. First, we return all your plasma and platelets, plus 500 mL of saline. This way, you never lose the liquid portion of your blood, which is responsible for carrying the nutrients throughout your body. Second, this procedure uses a smaller needle than whole blood collection, so double red cell donation may be more comfortable for you.

Does this procedure take longer than giving whole blood?

Yes. The donation of two units of red cells by this method takes approximately 35 minutes. Your entire visit will most likely take slightly longer than 60 minutes.  Since two units are collected from you, you may serve twice as many patients with a single donation. With enough donors participating, the adequacy of the regional blood supply is significantly enhanced, which means fewer blood shortages. This may also fit into your schedule better, too. Because you are donating two units of red cells, you must wait 16 weeks, or 112 days, between donations. This is twice as long than a whole blood donation.


How does it work?

Blood is drawn from one arm and channeled through a sterile, single-use tubing kit to an automated machine. The automated system separates and collects the most needed components…in this case, two units of red blood cells…and then safely returns the remaining blood components back to you through the same arm.

Welcome Back Kotter, Uh…Kaytee

This is a long one so get comfy.

No, this post is not about the recent, odd happenings of John Travolta. Just a little flash back from before I was born. But I haven’t posted anything in almost a month so I thought I would give myself a little “Welcome Back” celebration. So…What has happened in the past 29 days? Well, I’ll show you. Get comfy…there’s a lot here.

Shortly after Father’s Day, Jack had his post surgery check up and everything looked great. Jack was even fitted with a Mic-key button gastric tube. My mom jokes that he now has two belly buttons. Ha. I hated watching the change of the tubes because it was causing Jack some pain. But he got past it quite quickly (quicker than I did) and he has been reaping the benefits since.There is no tube hanging from his belly when he is between feeds and there is no plastic disk laying on his skin. He is itching noticeably less and seems much more comfortable. It was such a good day, we celebrated by playing in the Exer-saucer. He leaned a little but worked really hard at pulling himself to the toys attached.

June 22 came all too fast and I was packing to spend a week in Las Vegas for a food science expo. No, not like ComicCon but just as nerdy. I was going to the IFT12 Expo which is a one week (technical courses and expo) gathering of food technologists and vendors. It’s a great way to see new products from food vendors and suppliers. It’s also a great way for existing vendors to schmooz.

Since I was going to be away from home for one week; being my first week REALLY away from Jack, I spent the evening with him. We hung out in the living room and he introduced me to his favorite monkey. That monkey gives him the biggest smiles. He’s also going to need a bath soon.

I left for the airport very early the next morning. Matt drove, I made last-minute preparations and Jack snoozed in the back seat. When we arrived at the passenger drop-off at CVG, I decided I would be selfish enough to hold up traffic (no surprise here) so I could get Jack out of the car. I wasn’t going to be able to hold my baby for one week so I was going to give him a proper hug…and kisses…and another hug. Now it’s off to Vegas.

Vegas is not the best place for someone who doesn’t gamble…in late June. And I was missing my two boys pretty bad but Matt was really keeping things together nicely and would send me pictures every evening (a little after noon for me). It made the two-day food labeling regulations course a little more manageable. Funny though, Jack wasn’t wearing clothes in ANY of the photos. He looked really happy about it too. Here he is, just soaking up the ‘Guys Week’ after a bath.

I did get the chance a couple of times to see my distance family using FaceTime. It’s great until Jack requires the handling of the phone. Then it becomes a little more unpredictable. I did get a couple close-ups of Jacks mouth before Matt would pull the phone away from his face. I guess FaceTime is a literal term for Jack.

I continued to get photos like this during my week which made me miss Jack even more. After two full days in Vegas, my regulations class had come to completion and I was looking at finishing the week with the floor show (expo). Over 18,000 food professionals were in attendance to see 1074 vendor booths, poster sessions and short technical sessions. It was a packed convention center. And our schedules were just as packed. We had vendor dinners and lunches planned almost once a day. We did make time to spend one night on Fremont Street which is the old strip. In my opinion, it was better than the current strip. I felt like I was in National Lampoon’s Vegas Vacation. I couldn’t find any 6 packs to tie to my belt, however.

The second to last night in Las Vegas was spent at a night club that was 20-some floors up in the Palms Casino. It was a night hosted by a vendor which included appetizers and an open bar. I partook in the open bar. We all watched people drunkenly dance and brought back jokes from earlier in the week. There was little talk about work this night which was nice. We did, however find ourselves watching a LMFAO video on my iPhone which was a little worrisome, but okay in the long run (you know the one I am referring).

The following night was our last night on the town. Since we wanted it to keep it low-key but still see the sights, four of us put on our most comfy walking shoes and got into a cab… wait for it. Our hotel was on the far end of the strip so we took a cab to the Luxor which is the very start of the strip. Then we got out and started walking. Our plan was to meander all the way back to our hotel on foot. We wanted to see as many sights as Vegas could offer in one night. And we sure got our money’s worth! In 5 hours, we walked through the Luxor Casino, past the Tropicana and Excalibur Casinos and stopped just past the MGM Grand Casino. We began on our way again and passed the New York New York Casino with their massive roller coaster on the roof. Awesome. Jealous. This is where we took a 4 floor tour a store dedicated solely to M&Ms candies. To my surprise, I bought nothing.

We continued down the street a little more until we found a Harley Davidson Restaurant. This was our chance to take a quick walking break and eat some dinner. I finally added a salad into my diet (with a beer-I’m not perfect) and we continued on our way again.

We continued on past Planet Hollywood and Paris Casino and found our first true Vegas site at the Belagio. The fountains were finishing a show which repeated every 15 minutes. Since we weren’t content with the last minutes of someone else’s fountain show, we stuck around for the next spectacle. It was starting to get bark and the lighted casino was a beautiful backdrop for a grandiose and refreshing water show. Since the temperature was still well into the upper 90’s, the light sprays of mist from the fountains was well welcomed. And the amazing sound of the fountains really showed to force that water was carrying. My first thought, how loud is it for the people who try to sleep in the rooms facing the fountain. My response to myself, people who pay to stay in the Belagio probably aren’t looking for much sleep. I was satisfied with my dialogue.

After the Belagio was the Flamingo and Caesar’s Palace. Even though Caesar’s Palace did have some nice statues, the fountains were so disappointing compared to the large-scale and sophisticated Belagio fountain acrobatics. I walked on.

A little further down the street was the Mirage. We had taken a taxi past this casino a couple of days prior and had witnessed what looked like a spectacular volcano with a fire show so we stopped to watch the next show. We heard it was going to be every 15 minutes on the hour which only left us about 8 minutes before the next show so we waited. And waited. And waited. about 30 minutes had passed before someone looked up the show times and saw that passed 10pm, the volcano would only erupt once an hour and stopped at 11pm. By this point, it was 10:40pm so we decided to continue trying our patience but hoped for a mind-blowing display. And like clockwork, the show started at 11pm with a fade of the music and an introduction to crickets….desert crickets? The show was a cluster of thrown fire and water. No real organization, which I guess harnessed the temperament of a volcano but lacked entertainment. We walked away disappointed at the event and angry at ourselves that we let our curiosity keep us there so long.
By this point, it was a dash to get back to the hotel. We still had about 45 minutes of walking left and we were getting tired and dehydrated. At this point, it was still 98 degrees and the mediocre volcano show left us with hot, sweaty faces. The Venetian was enjoyed by the whole group on our first night in town so it was passed by from the opposite side of the street. We gave it a little glance though. The same street show was taking place as the first night. It was an Italian street performing theme with large ball gowns, mimes, feather masks and a crazy contortionists. We walked through Treasure Island‘s pirate boat facade but didn’t stay for the show which was promised to start in minutes. We were all finished with the waiting game. It was time to get some sleep for the early 5 hour plane ride the following morning. Wynn was in the background as we sped down the strip toward our hotel.

A couple blocks and we were at Circus Circus. The last casino before our hotel. Someone made an offer to take a peek inside before we walked past to our hotel but it was all idle and nobody slowed the pace.

Back in the hotel, eagerly and gently took my shoes off. No matter how comfortable your sandals are on any given day, they are not made for a 5 hours walk down the Las Vegas strip. Period. I crammed the my remaining unpacked things into my suitcase and headed to bed.

Matt and Jack were waiting for me in the airport baggage claim when I got off the plane. What a sight! Both my husband and little boy wore smiles on their face when they saw me. I did the same. I was so happy to be at home and for them to be my first familiar sight off the plane.

Now that Jack is past his surgeries and has healed, he is not able to get regular baths without fear that his poop will spill from the side of his body and fill the bathtub. We are giving him baths either nightly or every other night (depending on how much he drools) and he is starting to get used to the feel of water. He is a little leery but likes to give a little kick to move the water around. I am loving the ‘normal’ progression of things. Who knew a bath would be a milestone?!

On June 30, Matt and I were able to relive a little bit of our honeymoon. My company summer picnic was at Kings Island again this year but unlike last year, I am not pregnant. I hadn’t ridden a roller coaster since our honeymoon; scooting around Florida and hitting all the big roller coaster thrill parks only to finish off the week with a relaxing weekend in Clear Water. But without the opportunity to travel, KI is the closest thing. And still a ton of fun. The day was HOT and I was invested. I even wore shorts. We attended the company picnic first and spent a little time with my colleagues. Then we were off to wreak havoc in the park. But…..with line times being 45 minutes and the temperature and humidity so high, we rode the Diamond Back and headed home. But the one ride was a lot of fun. Jack will certainly have to like roller coasters.

The following weekend, we decided to introduce Jack to the swimming pool. And he really didn’t mind it at all. For the first half of his swimming debut, he laid in Matt’s arms and looked around. He was quit comfy and wasn’t going to do anything to change his position. Once Matt needed to go inside (hopefully to pee), Jack was set on a raft and accompanies by MawMaw, Aunt Jenni and myself. He out his hands up underneath his head and soaked it in-no pun intended. He was under an umbrella and really living the life. But it must have drained him, he was in the pool for about an hour. Went inside for a diaper change and headed to bed right on time. No fussing. Water a good water baby. That pool will not go to waste.

July 8 was spent at my mom’s house doing laundry. Though it’s not my favorite chore, it has to be done. I can’t go to work in my bath robe. Weird. So Jack and I spent 7 hours at my mom’s house using her laundry facilities. I can’t wait until our laundry room is finished and I can use my new washer and dryer!

While we were there, Jack started to get a cough and was gagging and sitting up. We kept him elevated and watched his feeds and I made an appointment for him to visit the pediatrician’s office on Monday for a sick visit. Since nothing seemed urgent and there was no fever, we continued our day. By the evening, Matt joined us and we ordered in Chinese for dinner and watched tv while the constant supply of laundry came to a slow end.

I will stop there since the next couple days will have to be a post in itself. Some may know that the next couple days were a little rocky. Don’t worry, we are back to normal now.

Until next time, keep a look out on the site for blood donation information. A little teaser is that the CDH Awareness Blood Drive will be held prior to the Holy Trinity Festival on Saturday August 4 from noon to 6pm. Start thinking about your donation time! More info to follow tonight.